so the problem is this, I made a carousel with bootstrap and I just put bootstrap.js for javascript. But why does slide carousel not work? whereas if I put jquery, then it can work !! Is not there a javascript in the bootstrap.js file to call the carousel? any solutions? I want to create a carousel using bootstrap.js without using jquery.js
Bootstrap Carousel not working if not put jquery
1k views Asked by Kicau Mania Kudus At
There are 2 answers
This is the first line of code from the bootstrap.js file for v3.3.7
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
the next line of code states that you need a minimum version of jquery 1.9.1 and a maximum of jquery 4 to be able to use bootstraps javascript
Bootstrap's JavaScript components depend on jQuery:
The quick start guide also states that jQuery is required:
You cannot get around this. If you want a carousel without jQuery, you should forget Bootstrap's carousel and look for another option. (For example here)