About the using of b:tabView of Bootfaces 1.0.1, it works in the showcase but no in my template, when I click in a tab it dessapears. Thanks some help here. I am using also Icefaces 3.3.0
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE ...>
<html ...>
<ui:composition template="../plantillas/principal.xhtml">
<ui:define name="content">
<b:panel id="uno" title="Pacientes" collapsible="false" look="primary"
<b:panel id="diez" title="Términos de Búsqueda" collapsible="false" look="primary" class="fuenterabs">
<b:panelGrid colSpans="6,6" size="md">
<b:label text="Grupo sanguineo:" class="fuenterabs" col-md="12" span="4" />
<ice:selectOneMenu class="form-control bf-no-message has-success" value="#{pacientes.tiposangreb}" partialSubmit="true" >
<f:selectItems value="#{tablaDeCodigos.comboTipoSangre}" />
<ace:menuBar autoSubmenuDisplay="true" >
<ace:menuItem class="btn btn-primary fa fa-file-o bicep" value="Nuevo" action="#{pacientes.nuevo()}"/>
<ace:menuItem class="btn btn-info fa fa-search bicep" value="Buscar" action="#{pacientes.buscar()}"/>
<ace:messages />
<b:panel id="tres" title="Centro" collapsible="false" >
<b:tabView pills="true" contentStyle="border: 1px solid #ddd;padding:10px">
<b:tab title="JSF markup">
<b:tab title="second tab">
Put some text here.
I can think of at least two different reasons:
I suggest you try to simplify the code and see when the error vanishes:
Oh, and check the JavaScript console (the F12 tool, or CMD+ALT+I on OSX). Maybe you spot an error message there.
Once you've figured out what's the problem, please report back, so other developers can benefit from your experience. Thanks in advance! and: ¡Buena suerte!