bootfaces with icefaces, display none b:tab, in b:tabview

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About the using of b:tabView of Bootfaces 1.0.1, it works in the showcase but no in my template, when I click in a tab it dessapears. Thanks some help here. I am using also Icefaces 3.3.0

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
                <!DOCTYPE ...>
                <html ...>
                        <ui:composition template="../plantillas/principal.xhtml">
                            <ui:define name="content">

 <b:panel id="uno" title="Pacientes"  collapsible="false"       look="primary"  
        <b:panel id="diez" title="Términos de Búsqueda"  collapsible="false"   look="primary" class="fuenterabs">
            <b:panelGrid colSpans="6,6" size="md">  
                    <b:label  text="Grupo sanguineo:" class="fuenterabs" col-md="12" span="4" />
                    <ice:selectOneMenu class="form-control bf-no-message has-success" value="#{pacientes.tiposangreb}"  partialSubmit="true" >
                        <f:selectItems value="#{tablaDeCodigos.comboTipoSangre}" />
        <ace:menuBar autoSubmenuDisplay="true" >
            <ace:menuItem  class="btn   btn-primary fa fa-file-o   bicep" value="Nuevo"  action="#{pacientes.nuevo()}"/>
            <ace:menuItem class="btn btn-info fa fa-search bicep" value="Buscar"  action="#{pacientes.buscar()}"/>
        <ace:messages   />

                                <b:panel id="tres" title="Centro"  collapsible="false" >

                                         <b:tabView pills="true" contentStyle="border: 1px solid #ddd;padding:10px">
                                        <b:tab title="JSF markup">

                                        <b:tab title="second tab">
                                            Put some text here.


There are 1 answers

Stephan Rauh On BEST ANSWER

I can think of at least two different reasons:

  • ICEfaces. BootsFaces is officially not compatible with ICEfaces. I know some people managed to get this combination of frameworks up and running, but it's difficult. Among other things, the automatic AJAX feature of ICEfaces doesn't bode well with BootsFaces. We work hard to produce as clean HTML code as possible, but ICEfaces requires immaculate, flawless HTML code. Last time I checked we didn't generate code ICEfaces could cope with.
  • Your template. You didn't show it, so it can contain any code.

I suggest you try to simplify the code and see when the error vanishes:

  • Get rid of the pill tabs. I don't think they cause the problem, but they are a deviation from the standard, so it's a good idea to check this, just in case.
  • Put your snippet on a page without your template.
  • Remove ICEfaces from your application. To do so, you probably need to create a new project or a copy of the project which you can simplify radically.

Oh, and check the JavaScript console (the F12 tool, or CMD+ALT+I on OSX). Maybe you spot an error message there.

Once you've figured out what's the problem, please report back, so other developers can benefit from your experience. Thanks in advance! and: ¡Buena suerte!