boost spirit qi on_error pass error_handler struct by reference

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I have yet another blocker issue with Spirit Qi.

I have implemented error handling in a functor struct called error_handler. This is passed to the grammar constructor by reference (see the MiniC example for Qi).

I then have on_error<fail>s defined in the grammar's constructor:

typedef boost::phoenix::function<error_handler<> > error_handler_function;
        error_handler_function(err_handler)(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        // more on_error<fail>s...

However, my error_handler has private members. It seems every time on_error is invoked, the err_handler object is copied, hence once the functor leaves, the local variables changed are destroyed.

I tried passing the handler by reference:

typedef boost::phoenix::function<error_handler<>& > error_handler_function; // <--- Note the ampersand!

        error_handler_function(err_handler)(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        // more on_error<fail>s...

However, the problem remains: on_error() works on copies of err_handler, not a single instance!!

I have also tried variations of boost::phoenix::ref(err_handler) with nothing but compile errors.

Surely, there must be an easy solution to passing the handler via reference?

I would appreciate any input. Thank you for your help.


There are 2 answers


Yes, phx::bind and phx::function<> will take their wrapper calleables by value by default. However.

Let's say[1], you have an error handler like this... minimalist example:

template <typename=void> struct my_error_handler {
    my_error_handler() = default;
    my_error_handler(my_error_handler const&) = delete;

    template<typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
    template<typename... T> void operator()(T&&...) const { 
        std::cerr << "my_error_handler invoked " << proof++ << "\n";
    mutable int proof = 0;

(As you can see I made it explicitely non-copyable to ensure the compiler wouldn't silently generate the code behind my back.)

Now, I'm not sure whether this is a combination you accidentally missed, but:

on_error<fail>(function,       phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
on_error<fail>(start,          phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));

works nicely, as does

auto ll = phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3);
on_error<fail>(function,       ll);
on_error<fail>(start,          ll);
on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, ll);

Note that because bind takes a reference, we need to ensure lifetime of err_handler matches (or exceeds) that of the parser, so I made err_handler a member of the parser class.

When I pass it input to fail, my program will be able to print proof of the invocations of my_error_handler:

std::cout << "The 'proof' in the err_handler instance is: " << p.err_handler.proof << "\n";

As always, a completely integrated sample program:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;

namespace asmast
    typedef std::string label;

template <typename=void> struct my_error_handler {
    my_error_handler() = default;
    my_error_handler(my_error_handler const&) = delete;

    template<typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
    template<typename... T> void operator()(T&&...) const { 
        std::cerr << "my_error_handler invoked " << proof++ << "\n";
    mutable int proof = 0;

template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::blank_type>
    struct parser : qi::grammar<It, Skipper>
    parser() : 
        using namespace qi;

        start = lexeme["Func" >> !(alnum | '_')] > function;
        function = gr_identifier
                    >> "{"
                    >> -(
                            | gr_label
                          //| gr_vardecl
                          //| gr_paramdecl
                        ) % eol
                    > "}";

        gr_instruction_names.add("Mov", unused);
        gr_instruction_names.add("Push", unused);
        gr_instruction_names.add("Exit", unused);

        gr_instruction = lexeme [ gr_instruction_names >> !(alnum|"_") ] > gr_operands;
        gr_operands = -(gr_operand % ',');

        gr_identifier = lexeme [ alpha >> *(alnum | '_') ];
        gr_operand    = gr_identifier | gr_string;
        gr_string     = lexeme [ '"' >> *("\"\"" | ~char_("\"")) >> '"' ];

        gr_newline = +( char_('\r')

        gr_label = gr_identifier >> ':' > gr_newline;

#if 1
        on_error<fail>(function,       phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(start,          phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        auto ll = phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3);
        on_error<fail>(function,       ll);
        on_error<fail>(start,          ll);
        on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, ll);
        // more on_error<fail>s...


    my_error_handler<> err_handler;
    qi::symbols<char, qi::unused_type> gr_instruction_names;
    qi::rule<It, Skipper> start, function, gr_instruction, gr_operands, gr_operand, gr_string;
    qi::rule<It, qi::unused_type()> gr_newline;
    qi::rule<It, asmast::label(), Skipper> gr_label, gr_identifier;

int main()
    typedef boost::spirit::istream_iterator It;
    It f(std::cin), l;

    parser<It, qi::blank_type> p;

        bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::blank);
        if (ok)   std::cout << "parse success\n";
        else      std::cerr << "parse failed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

        if (f!=l) std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

        std::cout << "The 'proof' in the err_handler instance is: " << p.err_handler.proof << "\n";
        return ok;
    } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<It>& e)
        std::string frag(e.first, e.last);
        std::cerr << e.what() << "'" << frag << "'\n";

    return false;

When fed the input

Func Ident{
    Mov name, "hello" 
    Push 5

It prints (as the first/last lines)

my_error_handler invoked 0
my_error_handler invoked 1
The 'proof' in the err_handler instance is: 2

[1] It's not the first time I'm having to imagine relevant code

sehe On

I remembered having a late thought about this and wanted to check it:

Of course,

my_error_handler<> err_handler;
phx::function<my_error_handler<> > err_handler_(err_handler);

would work (but tries to copy the err_handler instance, which is not what you want). Now,

phx::function<my_error_handler<> > err_handler_(phx::ref(err_handler));

isn't going to fly (as a my_error<> cannot construct from a phx::ref(err_handler)) so, logically, what you actually needed to do was just:

namespace P = boost::proto;
phx::function<const phx::actor<P::exprns_::basic_expr<
    P::argsns_::term<boost::reference_wrapper<my_error_handler<> > >, 
> > err_handler_;

which... works exactly as the phx::bind would, but with more syntactic sugar:

    on_error<fail>(function,       err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
    on_error<fail>(start,          err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
    on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));

Now, with some C++11 this can be written slightly less verbose:

my_error_handler<> err_handler;
phx::function<decltype(phx::ref(err_handler))> err_handler_;

See it working Live on Coliru with the code below:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;

namespace asmast
    typedef std::string label;

template <typename=void> struct my_error_handler {
    my_error_handler() = default;
    my_error_handler(my_error_handler const&) = delete;

    template<typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
    template<typename... T> void operator()(T&&...) const { 
        std::cerr << "my_error_handler invoked " << proof++ << "\n";
    mutable int proof = 0;

template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::blank_type>
    struct parser : qi::grammar<It, Skipper>
    parser() : 
        using namespace qi;

        start = lexeme["Func" >> !(alnum | '_')] > function;
        function = gr_identifier
                    >> "{"
                    >> -(
                            | gr_label
                          //| gr_vardecl
                          //| gr_paramdecl
                        ) % eol
                    > "}";

        gr_instruction_names.add("Mov", unused);
        gr_instruction_names.add("Push", unused);
        gr_instruction_names.add("Exit", unused);

        gr_instruction = lexeme [ gr_instruction_names >> !(alnum|"_") ] > gr_operands;
        gr_operands = -(gr_operand % ',');

        gr_identifier = lexeme [ alpha >> *(alnum | '_') ];
        gr_operand    = gr_identifier | gr_string;
        gr_string     = lexeme [ '"' >> *("\"\"" | ~char_("\"")) >> '"' ];

        gr_newline = +( char_('\r')

        gr_label = gr_identifier >> ':' > gr_newline;

#if 0
        on_error<fail>(function,       phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(start,          phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, phx::bind(phx::ref(err_handler), L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(function,       err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(start,          err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        on_error<fail>(gr_instruction, err_handler_(L"Error: Expecting ", _4, _3));
        // more on_error<fail>s...


    my_error_handler<> err_handler;
    phx::function<decltype(phx::ref(err_handler))> err_handler_;
    qi::symbols<char, qi::unused_type> gr_instruction_names;
    qi::rule<It, Skipper> start, function, gr_instruction, gr_operands, gr_operand, gr_string;
    qi::rule<It, qi::unused_type()> gr_newline;
    qi::rule<It, asmast::label(), Skipper> gr_label, gr_identifier;

int main()
    typedef boost::spirit::istream_iterator It;
    It f(std::cin), l;

    parser<It, qi::blank_type> p;

        bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::blank);
        if (ok)   std::cout << "parse success\n";
        else      std::cerr << "parse failed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

        if (f!=l) std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

        std::cout << "The 'proof' in the err_handler instance is: " << p.err_handler.proof << "\n";
        return ok;
    } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<It>& e)
        std::string frag(e.first, e.last);
        std::cerr << e.what() << "'" << frag << "'\n";

    return false;