boost in neural query in opensearch using javaclient

132 views Asked by At

In open search I have alias called product_alias this alias has two indexes first_party_products and third_party_products

Now I want to do query within in the alias and want to boost the first_party_products

When I run the following code in opensearch console it works fine. But from codebase it is not working

GET /products_alias/_search
  "from": 0,
  "size": 3, 
  "indices_boost": [
     { "first_party_products": 1.01}
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "script_score": {
            "query": {
              "neural": {
                "description_vector": {
                  "query_text": "starbucks",
                  "model_id": "-w8uWee5kd",
                  "k": 5
            "script": {
              "source": "_score * 1"

In java we are using this client

and following is the codebase I have put

           NeuralQuery neuralQuery = new NeuralQuery.Builder()
            Query query = new Query.Builder()

            List<Map<String, Double>> indicesBoost = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<String, Double> indicesBoostMap = new HashMap<>();
            indicesBoostMap.put(SearchCategory.FIRST_PARTY_PRODUCTS.getIndexName(), 1.01);

            var searchResponse =
                    s -> s.index(semanticIndex)
                    , Object.class

Is there anything I have missed out.

Thanks in advance

I want to boost the index of a neural query depending on the indicies


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