Does anybody know, how to build a bluetooth connection between Android and LEGO-Mindstorm-NXT? The connection between two NXTs works fine. But the other Connection-type likes not so easy. I am working with the LeJOS Firmware 0.85 and the Android SDK Tools (2.2 Froyo).
Bluetooth-connection between Android and Lego Mindstorm NXT
23.7k views Asked by joen At
There are 2 answers

There is a document I found very useful
The MINDdroid package on github is a fine place to start.
So i've solved it and will show all how does it works, because i've seen that a lot of people have problems with that.
The class includes 4 functions:
Here is the code for the android device (
To get messages from the Android Smartphone you must have a read call on the NXT-side. Here is the code from the NXT-side wich will accept the connection from the Smartphone and read messages from it:
Hope this will help others...