I am using Act_as_votable to implement like/dislike voting system. It works just perfect.
But now I am facing problem to blacklist exact that item that has received at least 30 downvotes.
I have model Advertisement. That has column in_blacklist with default value false. I added in_blacklist field as permitted in Advertisement controller. I have tried this so far.
In view:
<%= link_to "Like", like_advertisement_path(@advertisement), method: :put %> <%= @advertisement.get_likes.size %>)
(<%= link_to "Dislike", dislike_advertisement_path(@advertisement), method: :put %> <%= @advertisement.get_dislikes.size %>)
In controller:
def downvote
@advertisement.downvote_from current_user
flash[:notice] = 'Downvote added.' if @advertisement.vote_registered?
if @advertisement.get_dislikes.size == 30
@advertisement.in_blacklist = true
flash[:notice] = "#{@advertisement.name } added to blacklist. Information sent to #{@advertisement.user.email } "
So when I hit 30th dislike, there is no error messages. And when I check if the boolean has changed, but no it is still false.
You forgot to save the object.