Blackberry Torch Simulator and EditField Problem

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The Blackberry Torch is showing some wierd behaviour. I have subclassed EditField only for visual stylings. In the main application, I instantiate 2 of these custom EditFields and set the style bit to EditField.FILTER_REAL_NUMERIC in order to limit input to numbers. These EditFields are then placed in a custom GridFieldManager along with some label fields which are un-focusable.

If I touch (in the simulator) directly on one these EditFields, the full qwerty key pad is displayed. At this point, if I touch either of the EditFields that do not have focus, the correct key pad is displayed. The same is true if I use the trackpad to scroll the focusable fields; the correct key pad is displayed.

Is this a known issue, or did forget something?

NOTE: I have no idea if this is an issue on Torch device, since my office does not yet have a Torch device.

UPDATE: It looks like this related to the custom GridFieldManager that manages this field. This custom code is only for determining where focus should go:

public ExGridFieldManager(int rows, int columns, long style) {
        super(rows, columns, style );
    } // END contructor -----------------------------------------------------------------

    /* PROTECTED METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // handle focus gain on container
    protected void onFocus( int direction )
        if ( direction > 0 )    // focus came from previous field
            for(int i = 0; i < this.getFieldCount(); i++)
                if (this.getField(i).isFocusable())
        else if ( direction < 0 ) // catch case where focus came from following field
            for(int i = this.getFieldCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
                if (this.getField(i).isFocusable())
    } // END onFocus() ------------------------------------------------------------------

    protected void paint( Graphics g ) {
    } // END paint() --------------------------------------------------------------------

    // catch touch on a given inside this manager and set focus appropriately
    protected boolean touchEvent( TouchEvent event ) {
        int index; // for holding index of field where touchEvent ocurred

        if ( event.getEvent() == TouchEvent.CLICK ) {
            index = this.getFieldAtLocation( event.getX(1), event.getY(1) );

            if ( index > -1 )
        return false;
    } // END touchEvent() ---------------------------------------------------------------

    /* PUBLIC METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // determines when this manager should and should not recieve focus
    public boolean isFocusable()
        for(int i = 0; i< this.getFieldCount(); i++)
            if (this.getField(i).isFocusable())
                return true;
        return false;
    } // END isFocusable() --------------------------------------------------------------
} // END class ====================================================================================

UPDATE 2: I am targeting Blackberry OS version 5.0.


There are 2 answers


The problem was with the GridFieldManager in Blackberry OS 5.0. I found a custom one here, subclassed directly from net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager, that fixed the issue.

Ahmet Gulden On

use FILTER_NUMERIC as style bit.