Bitmovin iOS PreprocessHttpRequestDelegate not called

259 views Asked by At

I set a simple player with Bitmovin player iOS like this:

func bind(videoPlayer: BitmovinPlayer.Player, url: URL) {
    // Update variables
    self.videoPlayer = videoPlayer
    self.videoPlayer?.add(listener: self)
    self.videoPlayer?.config.networkConfiguration.preprocessHttpRequestDelegate = self
    self.url = url

    let analyticsConfig = BitmovinAnalyticsConfig(key: Constant.BitmovinAnalytics.LICENSE_KEY)
    analyticsConfig.isLive = episode?.liveValue ?? false
    analyticsCollector = BitmovinPlayerCollector(config: analyticsConfig)
    analyticsCollector.attachPlayer(player: videoPlayer)

This method builds the player, but when I run a video the following method does not trigger the delegate:

func preprocessHttpRequest(_ type: String, httpRequest: HttpRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (HttpRequest) -> Void)

Other listeners work as expected.

Somebody had the same issue? I follow all the runcode looking for duplicate delegates but I just set the player once. No documentation or examples found for this feature.


There are 1 answers

Daniel On

On iOS, the preprocessHttpRequest is only supported for DRM requests (like DRM license acquisition) as per the Bitmovin Player iOS API documentation

Only changing DRM requests is currently supported.