This question (Parallelize code which is doing bit wise operation) got a very good answer and extremely efficient code that I could only match with C code. That prompted me to attempt to at least match the Python code in Julia.
The following is the Python code that takes 0.64 seconds vs C code 0.27 seconds to pack bits in unsigned integers.
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import time
colm = int(200000/8)
rows = 10000
cols = int(colm*8)
AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)
@nb.njit('void(uint8[:,:],int8[:,:])', parallel=True)
def compute(A, AU):
for i in nb.prange(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(A.shape[1]):
offset = j * 8
res = AU[i,offset] << 7
res |= AU[i,offset+1] << 6
res |= AU[i,offset+2] << 5
res |= AU[i,offset+3] << 4
res |= AU[i,offset+4] << 3
res |= AU[i,offset+5] << 2
res |= AU[i,offset+6] << 1
res |= AU[i,offset+7]
A[i,j] = res
start_time = time.time()
compute(A, AU)
end_time = time.time()
print(end_time - start_time)
The following are mare various failed attempts to match that performance in Julia:
using Random
colm = 200000÷8
rows = 10000
cols = colm*8
AU = zeros(UInt8, (rows, cols))
AU .&= 0x01
A = BitArray(undef, rows, cols)
B = zeros(UInt8, (rows, colm))
function compute1(A, AU)
A[:,:] .= AU .== 1
function compute2(A, AU)
for i in 1:size(A)[2]
start_col = (i-1) << 3
A[:, i] .= AU[:, start_col + 1] .|
(AU[:, start_col + 2] .<< 1) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 3] .<< 2) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 4] .<< 3) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 5] .<< 4) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 6] .<< 5) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 7] .<< 6) .|
(AU[:, start_col + 8] .<< 7)
function compute3(A, AU)
for i in 1:size(A)[2]
start_col = (i-1) << 3
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 1]
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 2] .<< 1
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 3] .<< 2
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 4] .<< 3
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 5] .<< 4
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 6] .<< 5
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 7] .<< 6
A[:, i] .|= AU[:, start_col + 8] .<< 7
function compute4(A, AU)
for i in 0:7
au_columns = [((j-1) << 3) + i + 1 for j in 1:size(A)[2]]
A[:, :] .|= AU[:, au_columns] .<< i
@time compute1(A, AU)
@time compute2(B, AU)
@time compute3(B, AU)
@time compute4(B, AU)
6.128301 seconds (553.01 k allocations: 30.192 MiB, 2.22% compilation time)
3.640022 seconds (1.97 M allocations: 1.984 GiB, 3.05% gc time, 12.43% compilation time)
2.956211 seconds (1.44 M allocations: 3.842 GiB, 3.73% gc time, 19.24% compilation time)
6.720456 seconds (946.91 k allocations: 3.776 GiB, 2.40% gc time, 4.68% compilation time)
The different methods take between 3 and 6 seconds. Not sure how to improve the performance to at least match Python / Numba
For single-threaded conversion into a BitArray,
AU .% Bool
(see edit note) should be efficient:Edit: I just realized
won't work well for you because you are converting from an array of 8-bit integers, not an array of Bools, soBool.(AU)
requires checking that every element ofAU
. Instead, useAU .% Bool
, which will just take the least bit of each integer and should have the performance shown above.