Bit packing performance in Julia vs Python

318 views Asked by At

This question (Parallelize code which is doing bit wise operation) got a very good answer and extremely efficient code that I could only match with C code. That prompted me to attempt to at least match the Python code in Julia.

The following is the Python code that takes 0.64 seconds vs C code 0.27 seconds to pack bits in unsigned integers.

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import time
colm = int(200000/8)
rows = 10000
cols = int(colm*8)
AU = np.random.randint(2,size=(rows, cols),dtype=np.int8)
A = np.empty((rows,colm), dtype=np.uint8)

@nb.njit('void(uint8[:,:],int8[:,:])', parallel=True)
def compute(A, AU):
    for i in nb.prange(A.shape[0]):
        for j in range(A.shape[1]):
            offset = j * 8
            res = AU[i,offset] << 7
            res |= AU[i,offset+1] << 6
            res |= AU[i,offset+2] << 5
            res |= AU[i,offset+3] << 4
            res |= AU[i,offset+4] << 3
            res |= AU[i,offset+5] << 2
            res |= AU[i,offset+6] << 1
            res |= AU[i,offset+7]
            A[i,j] = res

start_time = time.time()

compute(A, AU)

end_time = time.time()
print(end_time - start_time)

The following are mare various failed attempts to match that performance in Julia:

using Random
colm = 200000÷8
rows = 10000
cols = colm*8

AU = zeros(UInt8, (rows, cols))

AU .&= 0x01

A = BitArray(undef, rows, cols)
B = zeros(UInt8, (rows, colm))

function compute1(A, AU)
    A[:,:] .= AU .== 1

function compute2(A, AU)
    for i in 1:size(A)[2]
        start_col = (i-1) << 3
        A[:, i] .=  AU[:, start_col + 1]        .| 
                   (AU[:, start_col + 2] .<< 1) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 3] .<< 2) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 4] .<< 3) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 5] .<< 4) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 6] .<< 5) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 7] .<< 6) .|
                   (AU[:, start_col + 8] .<< 7)        

function compute3(A, AU)
    for i in 1:size(A)[2]
        start_col = (i-1) << 3
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 1] 
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 2] .<< 1
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 3] .<< 2
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 4] .<< 3
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 5] .<< 4
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 6] .<< 5
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 7] .<< 6
        A[:, i] .|=  AU[:, start_col + 8] .<< 7

function compute4(A, AU)
    for i in 0:7
        au_columns = [((j-1) << 3) + i + 1 for j in 1:size(A)[2]] 
        A[:, :] .|=  AU[:, au_columns] .<< i

@time compute1(A, AU)
@time compute2(B, AU)
@time compute3(B, AU)
@time compute4(B, AU)


  6.128301 seconds (553.01 k allocations: 30.192 MiB, 2.22% compilation time)
  3.640022 seconds (1.97 M allocations: 1.984 GiB, 3.05% gc time, 12.43% compilation time)
  2.956211 seconds (1.44 M allocations: 3.842 GiB, 3.73% gc time, 19.24% compilation time)
  6.720456 seconds (946.91 k allocations: 3.776 GiB, 2.40% gc time, 4.68% compilation time)

The different methods take between 3 and 6 seconds. Not sure how to improve the performance to at least match Python / Numba


There are 2 answers

Vincent Yu On

For single-threaded conversion into a BitArray, Bool.(AU) AU .% Bool (see edit note) should be efficient:

using Random
using BenchmarkTools
AU = rand(Bool, 10_000, 200_000)
@benchmark Bool.($AU)
  memory estimate:  238.42 MiB
  allocs estimate:  4
  minimum time:     658.897 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      672.948 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        676.287 ms (0.86% GC)
  maximum time:     710.870 ms (6.57% GC)
  samples:          8
  evals/sample:     1

Edit: I just realized Bool.(AU) won't work well for you because you are converting from an array of 8-bit integers, not an array of Bools, so Bool.(AU) requires checking that every element of AU is 0 or 1. Instead, use AU .% Bool, which will just take the least bit of each integer and should have the performance shown above.

Kristoffer Carlsson On

Why aren't you trying to make the Julia code look like the Python code if you want to compare their performance? So something like:

rowm = 200000 ÷ 8
cols = 10000
rows = rowm * 8

AU = rand(Int8.(0:1), rows, cols)
A = zeros(UInt8, rowm, cols)

function compute!(A, AU)
    for i in 1:size(A, 2)
        Threads.@threads for j in 1:size(A, 1)
            offset = (j-1) * 8 + 1
            res =  AU[offset  , i] << 7
            res |= AU[offset+1, i] << 6
            res |= AU[offset+2, i] << 5
            res |= AU[offset+3, i] << 4
            res |= AU[offset+4, i] << 3
            res |= AU[offset+5, i] << 2
            res |= AU[offset+6, i] << 1
            res |= AU[offset+7, i]
            A[j, i] = res % UInt8

Note that Julia is column-major so the order of indices should be swapped. And you need to explicitly start julia with multiple threads to have the multi-threading be useful (julia -t8 on Julia 1.6).