I have some code in a Django app which does the following, to get a Pubmed article by DOI:
def getPubmedByDOI(request,doi):
Entrez.email = '[email protected]'
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term=doi)
record = Entrez.read(handle)
return getPubmedArticle(request,record["IdList"][0]) // renders the article
This works nicely but for one thing - the Entrez.esearch call insists upon access to /root/.config on the server, specifically to write to the following empty directory:
It's Apache on Gentoo, running as follows:
User django
Group apache
All the code for the application is in ~django/, so I'd expect any writing to be in ~django/.config rather than /root/.config. I can work around this by changing permissions on /root but a better solution would be to configure Biopython or Apache so as not to write to /root. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this might be done?
Logged upstream as https://github.com/biopython/biopython/issues/918 which suggests setting: