I have a point cloud representing walls and the floor of an indoor scene. I projected the points of the floor on a plane. That means it's a "2d point cloud" now. All z-coordinates are zero.
I have to deal with missing parts. My idea now is to fill the holes. Is there a way to transform the points into the image space to create a binary mask? I would like to use techniques like: "imfill" in Matlab...
To make it more clear, I will explain an simple example. I have points in 2D. After I made a triangulation, I can access each triangle. For each triangle I create a binary mask with poly2mask(), and each mask I write to an final image.
Here is an example:
Now I can use morphological operations on the image. E.G: Here is an more complex example, where the triangulation gives me bad results:
To fill the hole on the right side, I could use morphological operation. My problem: The points can be negative, and the distance between the triangles can be very small (E.g.: x coordinates of triangle: (1.12 1.14 1.12), will give me the point 1 in the image space