Is it possible to binarize this image? I have a list of image, exactly the same with this picture.
I want the image to have black and white value only.
I tried to binarize and remove noises from my images, but this is what I get.
for (int x = 0; x < ExtractedBoxes.Count(); x++)
FiltersSequence seq = new FiltersSequence();
seq.Add(new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721)); //First add GrayScaling filter
seq.Add(new SISThreshold()); //Then add binarization(thresholding) filter
ExtractedBoxes[x] = seq.Apply(ExtractedBoxes[x]); // Apply filters on source image
I tried to use that because it's the easiest way I found, but I think not efficient enough. It's from Aforge.net library. I used SISThreshold, because I can't get otsu threshold working, and Otsu is what I'm familiar the most.
Hoping you could give me better approach or other ways to clean them up. Thanks!