I am having a problem using the Binance Python API.
I am using Python3.7 on Ubuntu
Basically, when making the call below, I get an error: {"code":-2015,"msg":"Invalid API-key,
The thing is that this ID has worked fine on the Binance TESTNET for LIMIT and MARKET orders. This is the only order type I am having problems with. I also logged the message here:
I was attempting to do this on the FUTURES exchange.
retval = self.exchange.private_post_order_oco({
'symbol': symbol,
'side': side,
'quantity': self.exchange.amount_to_precision(symbol, amount),
'price': self.exchange.currency_to_precision( quote_currency, abs(float( in_last_chance_price ))),
'stopPrice': self.exchange.currency_to_precision( quote_currency, abs(float(in_stop_price))),
'stopLimitPrice': self.exchange.currency_to_precision( quote_currency, abs(float( in_limit_price ))),
'positionSide': self.position_side[side],
'listClientOrderId' : mainXChangeID,
'limitClientOrderId': mainXChangeID + '-L',
'stopClientOrderId' : mainXChangeID + '-S',
Any help, hints or advice of what could be going on would be greatly appreciated.
Binance SPOT supports OCO orders on production and testnet
Binance FUTURES does not support OCO orders for production or testnet