I have a pool that contains 2 members and 2 auto-generated FQDN members; e.g.
- Server01.domain.org
- Server02.domain.org
- _auto_104.1.1.1
- _auto_104.1.1.2
Where _auto_104.1.1.1 is linked to Server01.domain.org and the other is linked to 02.
If I want to see the connection stats for node Server01.domain.org - I notice the stats are only connected against _auto_104.1.1.1.
So how can I use TMSH to query Server01 connection stats?
Trying this;
tmsh list /ltm pool /Common/{{ pool_name }} all-properties
And get all member info, but no way to query Server01 and get the relevant 'auto' nodes connection details?
I hope that makes sense! Let me know if I'm misunderstanding any of this, as it would really help.
Thank you in advance.