I am trying to install the BigCommerce Hello World App from bigcommerce/hello-world-app-php-silex. When I try to install the app in my trial store it displays the index of the app folder. .
I think it has something to do with the callback URLs.
The instructions are not clear as what to enter here so I entered:
- Auth Callback URL: https://localhost/bigcommerce/hello-world-app-php-silex
- Load Callback: URL: https://localhost/bigcommerce/hello-world-app-php-silex
- Uninstall Callback URL: https://localhost/bigcommerce/hello-world-app-php-silex
index.php is located in bigcommerce/hello-world-app-php-silex
What am I supposed to enter for the Callback URLs?
Also, this is what I entered in the .env file for the environment variables.
Update: Ok, I was able to get the index.php to load by default.
In Apache24/conf/httpd.conf, I changed "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride FileInfo", uncommented "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so", and in the .htaccess file, in the root of the project, I removed the "/" that proceeded index.php so it now says "RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]". The "/" needed to be removed because the project was not in the root directory.
Now I get two errors. It looks like this project was written to be in the root directory, so I put it in the root, put the "/" back in .htaccess, updated the URLs, and I still get the same two errors.
Add .htaccess in your project Root directory with this code