Better way to cbind newly calculated column and quickly naming output

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I've finally lost my habit of loops in R. Basically usually calculating new columns, and then doing calculations and aggregations on these new columns. But I have a question regarding cbind which I use for adding columns.

Is there a better way than using bind for things like this?

Naming this new column always is done by me in this tedious way... Anything cleverer/simpler out there?

GSPC <- cbind(GSPC, lag(Cl(GSPC), k=1))   #Doing some new column calculation
names(GSPC)[length(GSPC[1,])] <- "Laged_1_Cl"   #Naming this new column
GSPC <- cbind(GSPC, lag(Cl(GSPC), k=2))
names(GSPC)[length(GSPC[1,])] <- "Laged_2_Cl" 

** EDITED ** Roman Luštrik added a great solution in comments below.

GSPC$Laged_3_Cl <- lag(Cl(GSPC), k=3)

There are 2 answers

Roman Luštrik On BEST ANSWER

One way of adding new variables to a data.frame is through the $ operator. Help page (?"$") shows common usage in the form of

x$i <- value

Where i is the new variable name and value are its associated values.

Nick DiQuattro On

You can name the new column on the left side of the assignment like so:

exdat <- data.frame(lets = LETTERS[1:10],
                    nums = 1:10)

exdat$combo <- paste0(exdat$lets, exdat$nums)