I am currently writing a puppet module for adding lines to auto.misc file.
I used augeas for adding a new entry to the auto.misc file and I came up with like something below and it works quite well every time I run without duplicating.
augeas { "new auto mountpoint":
context => "/files/etc/auto.misc",
changes => [
"set 01 'store'",
"set 01/opt[1] 'ro'",
"set 01/opt[2] 'soft'",
"set 01/opt[3] 'intr'",
"set 01/location/1/host 'uxkickstart.thenational.com'",
"set 01/location/1/path '/common'",
onlyif => "match *[. = 'store'] size == 0",
Now if i want to add a new option for a particular mount-point , it never gets updated.
If someone could tell me whats the best way to do this or use augeas in a different way to fix the issue here, it would be great.
The best option here is to write a proper type+augeas provider instead of using the
type. This will let you specify the options as an array property.See augeasproviders.com for examples, and various modules implementing augeas providers on github.