One of my website is using Nitrogen with a Cowboy server. I would like to log every access to web pages just like Apache does with access.log. What would be the best way to do that ?
Best way to log access to web pages
1.3k views Asked by Maeln AtThere are 3 answers

Each underlying webserver does it differently (or not at all) - this is something simple_bridge does not yet have abstracted.
So in the case of cowboy, you'll likely have to rig it up yourself.
If you're using a newer build of Nitrogen (if you have the file site/src/nitrogen_main_handler.erl
), then you can edit that file to manually log yourself. For example, using erlang's error handler, you could add something simple like:
log_request() ->
error_logger:info_msg("~p: [~p]: ~p", [{date(), time()}, wf:peer_ip(), wf:url()]).
run() ->
log_request(), %% <--- insert before wf_core:run()
Then whatever happens with the log can be handled by configuring error_logger to write to disk (
If you use an older Nitrogen (which would have site/src/nitrogen_cowboy.erl
), then you would similarly edit that file, once again before the wf_core:run()
Alternatively, your hooks option with cowboy could work as well. I've not worked with them, so you're on your own there :)
You can use cowboy middlewares
Just create a simple log module:
and add it in list of middlwares: