I was trying to integrate Browserify into Cordova. I did the following:
- Installed Browserify:
npm install -g browserify
- Moved index.js into the root:
mv www/js/index.js .
- Created a hook script named appBeforeBuild.sh which turns index.js into bundle.js:
browserify index.js -o www/js/bundle.js
EDIT - Please see my answer below - Updated config.xml to run the hook:
<hook src="appBeforeBuild.sh" type="before_build" />
- Updated index.html to include bundle.js instead of index.js:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bundle.js"></script>
This could be a nice guide for integrating Browserify into Cordova, but unfortunately it is not working, because editing 'index.js' does not trigger a recompile.
Could anybody please explain how to set index.js into a file which is checked for the build dependencies and triggers the before_build hook?
The check list in my question is just fine for integrating Browserify into Cordova, but the [before_build] script should be corrected. The following is a script suitable for Mac OSX:
File: appBeforeBuild.sh
This file must be granted with execution rights:
The idea in this script is to make sure that Browserify is called only when index.js was changed.
option, as incordova -d build android