What is the best way to install sentry-php on my server to monitor and debug custom php script, I followed the instructions from this page https://docs.sentry.io/clients/php/ and downloaded the Sentry script and extracted it and included the autoloader in my application
require_once '/path/to/Raven/library/Raven/Autoloader.php';
but still confused how to define my client
$client = new Raven_Client('https://<key>:<secret>@sentry.io/<project>');
are them want me to create new php file to define my client or to define in the page ErrorHandler!! and how I can add multi emails to monitor the script?, What is the best way to install it on custom PHP script?!!
You will need to include the code in all of your scripts, one or way or another. Most people do this through a shared config file, which is then
'd in any files that are independent.