I've been attempting to define a bespoke Card in Flutter using row
and column
and cannot seem to get a fixed format layout similar to the image above (the red lines denote the areas of the card and are just there to show the areas).
return Card(child: Column(
children: [
children: [
Column( children: [
Text('Riverside cafe...'),
Container(child: Text('Pubs & restaurants'), color : Colors.purple)
The resulting cards are to be displayed in a listview
and using rows
and columns
above results in the areas being different sized depending on the data.
It seems to me that using row
and column
may not be the best way to achieve this. Is there a better way?
As for the best, I suppose that's for you and your client to decide.
For as long as I've been working with Flutter, I haven't come across anything like CSS grid which is great for situations like this. The closest comparison is StaggeredGrid (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_staggered_grid_view) but that doesn't offer as much control as CSS grid and doesn't seem to quite fit your use case.
Rows, Columns (and other layout widgets) can get the job done:![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5Ehll.png)
Here's the main.dart that produced the above example. Code quality isn't perfect, but hopefully you can follow it well enough and it helps you get done what you need to get done.
auto_size_text: ^2.1.0
to your dependencies)