@BeforeStep defined in ItemProcessor and ItemWitter is not getting called with spring batch partitioning

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We were moving our spring batch implementations to use partitions. After making changes now the @BeforeStep is not getting called which is inside our processor and writter.

Sample code here,

    public ItemWriter<EmployeeTaxDetail> customerItemWriter()
        ItemWriter<EmployeeTaxDetail> itemWriter = appContext.getBean(EmployeeTaxCalculationWriter.class);
        return itemWriter;
    public ItemProcessor<EmployeeDetail, EmployeeTaxDetail> processor() {
        ItemProcessor<EmployeeDetail, EmployeeTaxDetail> itemProcessor = appContext.getBean(EmployeeTaxCalculationProcessor.class);
        return itemProcessor;
    // Master
    public Step step1() 
        return new StepBuilder("step1", jobRepository)
                .partitioner(slaveStep().getName(), partitioner())
                .taskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor())
    // slave step
    public Step slaveStep() 
        return new StepBuilder("slaveStep", jobRepository)
                .<EmployeeDetail, EmployeeTaxDetail>chunk(10,transactionManager)

EmployeeTaxCalculationWriter and EmployeeTaxCalculationProcessor are like,

public class EmployeeTaxCalculationWriter extends AbstractItemWriter<EmployeeTaxDetail> {

  /** The febp data source provider. */
  private FEBPDataSourceProvider febpDataSourceProvider;

  /** The Constant LOGGER. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmployeeTaxCalculationWriter.class.getName());


   * Execute write.
   * @param chunk the chunk
   * @throws Exception the exception
  protected void executeWrite(Chunk<? extends EmployeeTaxDetail> chunk) throws Exception {


   * Save to tax detail.
   * @param chunk the chunk
  private void saveToTaxDetail(Chunk<? extends EmployeeTaxDetail> chunk) {

    List<EmployeeTaxDetail> employeeTaxDetailList = (List<EmployeeTaxDetail>) chunk.getItems();
    DataSource febpDBSrc = getFebpDataSource();
    JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(febpDBSrc);
    jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(INSERT_EMP_TAX_QUERY, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
      public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
        EmployeeTaxDetail empTaxDetail = employeeTaxDetailList.get(i);
        ps.setString(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        ps.setString(2, empTaxDetail.getEmpId());
        ps.setLong(3, empTaxDetail.getTaxAmount());

      public int getBatchSize() {
        return employeeTaxDetailList.size();

   * Gets the febp data source.
   * @return the febp data source
  private DataSource getFebpDataSource() {
    return febpDataSourceProvider.getDataSource(FengThreadLocal.getTenantId(), "FEBP");


and Component

public class EmployeeTaxCalculationProcessor extends AbstractItemProcessor<EmployeeDetail, EmployeeTaxDetail> {

   * Execute process.
   * @param item the item
   * @return the employee tax detail
   * @throws Exception the exception
  protected EmployeeTaxDetail executeProcess(EmployeeDetail item) throws Exception {
    EmployeeTaxDetail employeeTaxDetail = new EmployeeTaxDetail();
    employeeTaxDetail.setTaxAmount((long) (item.getEmpSalary() * .1));
    return employeeTaxDetail;

And inside AbstractItemWriter we have 
public abstract class AbstractItemWriter<T> implements ItemWriter<T> {

  /** The parameters. */
  private JobParameters parameters;

   * Write.
   * @param chunk the chunk
   * @throws Exception the exception
  public void write(@NonNull Chunk<? extends T> chunk) throws Exception {
      JobParameter jobParameter = null;
      if( parameters!=null) {
     jobParameter = parameters.getParameter(FebpAPIConstants.FEBP_THREAD_LOCAL);
    if (jobParameter != null) {
          (ApplicationThreadLocalState) JsonUtil.readJsonValue(jobParameter.getValue().toString(), ApplicationThreadLocalState.class, false));

   * Execute write.
   * @param chunk the chunk
   * @throws Exception the exception
  protected abstract void executeWrite(@NonNull Chunk<? extends T> chunk) throws Exception;

   * Before step.
   * @param stepExecution the step execution
  public void beforeStep(final StepExecution stepExecution) {
    parameters = stepExecution.getJobExecution().getJobParameters();

   * Gets the parameters.
   * @return the parameters
  public JobParameters getParameters() {
    return parameters;
} and inside AbstractItemProcessor we have
public abstract class AbstractItemProcessor<I, O> implements ItemProcessor<I, O> {

  /** The parameters. */
  private JobParameters parameters;

   * Process.
   * @param item the item
   * @return the o
   * @throws Exception the exception
  public O process(I item) throws Exception {
      JobParameter jobParameter = null;
      if( parameters!=null) {
     jobParameter = parameters.getParameter(FebpAPIConstants.FEBP_THREAD_LOCAL);
    if (jobParameter != null) {
          (ApplicationThreadLocalState) JsonUtil.readJsonValue(jobParameter.getValue().toString(), ApplicationThreadLocalState.class, false));
    return executeProcess(item);

   * Execute write.
   * @param item the item
   * @return the o
   * @throws Exception the exception
  protected abstract O executeProcess(I item) throws Exception;

   * Before step.
   * @param stepExecution the step execution
  public void beforeStep(final StepExecution stepExecution) {
    parameters = stepExecution.getJobExecution().getJobParameters();

   * Gets the parameters.
   * @return the parameters
  public JobParameters getParameters() {
    return parameters;


Now the process method is getting called for each processor and writter call but @BeforeStep is stopped getting called after introducing partitioning.


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