I followed this example. I am trying to add the public key which i got from the server into the key Pair and I am getting STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
header.dwMagic = BCRYPT_DH_PUBLIC_MAGIC;
header.cbKey = (ULONG)(pub_key.size());
cout << "header contents " << header.dwMagic << " : " << header.cbKey << endl;
memcpy(&pubKeyBlobFromServer[0], &header, sizeof(BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB));
// copy Public key
cout << "size of pub_key " << pub_key.size() << endl;
cout << "size of pubKeyBlobFromServer before :" << pubKeyBlobFromServer.size() << endl;
cout << "size of BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB " << sizeof(BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB) << endl;
pubKeyBlobFromServer.insert(pubKeyBlobFromServer.end(), pub_key.begin(), pub_key.end());
cout << "size of pubKeyBlobFromServer after :" << pubKeyBlobFromServer.size() << endl;
Status = BCryptImportKeyPair(
ExchAlgHandleB, // Alg handle
nullptr, // Parameter not used
BCRYPT_DH_PUBLIC_BLOB, // Blob type (Null terminated unicode string)
&PubKeyHandleB, // Key handle that will be recieved
const_cast<PUCHAR>(pubKeyBlobFromServer.data()), // Buffer than points to the key blob
(ULONG)pubKeyBlobFromServer.size(), // Buffer length in bytes
0); // Flags
I am getting the following output.
header contents 1112557636 : 128
size of pub_key 128
size of pubKeyBlobFromServer before :8
size of pubKeyBlobFromServer after :136
I tried printing the bytes of pubKeyBlobFromServer. the public key starts from 8th byte. first 8 is reserved for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB . I am not sure what is wrong. Please suggest the place where i am making mistake. If not please suggest a sample which imports public key from string. Thanks in Advance.
Microsoft's sample code takes the easy way out; because the same API exported the key, it is already in the right format.
In order to construct a valid key blob yourself, you need to look up the documentation for the
structure:Looks like your code was only including one of the three components.