I wonder how BCrypt can infer the correctness of a entered password, if the generated hash is different for each run?
Given password: "password123"
Lets say, I hash the given password 10 times and receive:
If we assume that I store the first hash in my database and a user tries to log in a few hours later with correct password. The hash, which is generated while the user tries to log in, is totally different to the hash I have stored in my database.
How does BCrypt determine whether the two hashes refer to the same password?
The hash-values in your example contain all the necessary information to do the verification:
As you can see, this string contains the algorithm, the cost factor and the salt. With these parameters you can calculate a comparable hash value from the login password. In PHP you can use the function password_verify() to verify the password, it will extract the cost factor and the salt automatically.