I'm using bazel 4.1.0 to build to project. Current set up:
go.mod file
github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators v0.3.2 // indirect
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies", "go_repository")
load("//:repositories.bzl", "go_repositories")
in repositories.blz file
name = "com_github_mwitkow_go_proto_validators",
importpath = "github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators",
sum = "h1:qRlmpTzm2pstMKKzTdvwPCF5QfBNURSlAgN/R+qbKos=",
version = "v0.3.2",
in students/api.v1/api.proto file
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators/validator.proto";
after running bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=repositories.bzl%go_repositories -prune=true
and bazel run //:gazelle
it generate students/api.v1/BUILD.bazel file
name = "api_proto",
srcs = ["api.proto"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "api_go_proto",
compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"],
importpath = "students/generated/api",
proto = ":api_proto",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
When I run bazel build //...
, it produces an error
ERROR: /my-app/students/api.v1/BUILD.bazel:15:17: no such package 'github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators': BUILD file not found in any of the following directories. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.
- /my-app/github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators and referenced by '/students/api.v1:api_go_proto'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//students/api.v1:api' failed; build aborted: Analysis failed
I would like to make the build work without error. Thank you very much for your help.
I think in BUILD.bazel
file, //github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators:validators_proto
should be @github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators:validators_proto
, like @go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_proto
but it's just a vague idea.