I am going to fetch four or multiple records of from facebook through graph api with batch request like this
NSString *jsonRequest1 = @"{ \"method\": \"GET\", \"relative_url\": \"133028623426021\" }";
NSString *jsonRequest2 = @"{ \"method\": \"GET\", \"relative_url\": \"152881298125928\" }";
NSString *jsonRequest3 = @"{ \"method\": \"GET\", \"relative_url\": \"20870926514\" }";
NSString *jsonRequest4 = @"{ \"method\": \"GET\", \"relative_url\": \"124551187593106\" }";
NSString *jsonRequestsArray = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[ %@, %@, %@, %@ ]", jsonRequest1, jsonRequest2,jsonRequest4,jsonRequest3];
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:jsonRequestsArray forKey:@"batch"];
FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response1 = [fbGraph doGraphPost:jsonRequestsArray withPostVars:params];
But my response is like this
response =
How can i get response through graph api with batch request?
For request_ids, you do not need to create a batch request. You can simply pass them as a comma separate list and avoid doing a batch request.
Your final graph URL wants to look like: