I have a number of files with the following format:
name_name<number><number>[TIF<11 numbers>].jpg
e.g. john_sam01 [TIF 15355474840].jpg
And I would like to remove the [TIF 15355474840]
from all of these files
This includes a leading space before the '[TIF...' and a different combination of 11 numbers each time.
So the previous example would become:
In short, using powershell (or cmd.exe) with regex I would like to turn this filename:
josh_sam01 [TIF 15355474840].jpg
Into this:
With variables being: 'john' 'sam' two numbers and the numbers after TIF.
Something like, with added newlines for clarity:
Almost certainly adding -
to the rename until I was sure I had the file selection and rename correct.