I'm an engineer building products and applications traditionally on the RDBMS systems. I'd like to port the applications and products to MarkLogic, this is very convenient and efficient compared to RDBMS technology. However, there are no adequate CRUD examples for me to take off. Can anyone kindly lead me to the appropriate URI for the same. This will be a great help.
I have a great collaboration suite that is on Javascript+PHP+mySQL, I'd like to port it to Javascript+Xquery+MarkLogic. The point of concern is the lack of understanding on my part due to the vastness of documentation. I can't find the relevant CRUD examples to take off. Kindly help me out.
Thanks in advance. Regards Manish
Thanks Florent Georges for the perfect reply. I'd like to add that all the CRUD scenarios will be complete (at least for my purposes) with: 1. xdmp:document-insert() 2. xdmp:node-insert-child() 3. xdmp:node-insert-before() 4. xdmp:node-insert-after() 5. xdmp:node-insert-child() 6. xdmp:node-delete() 7. xdmp:node-replace() 8. fn:doc() 9. xdmp:document-load()
Really, a lot of thanks to you for pointing me in the right direction. Again, thanks much.