Basic statistical analysis steps

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I would like to know if my codes make sense. A colleague of mine sent them it to me and I have been using them but I have the feeling some things are not correct. In the next codes, I attempted to analyse Shapiro and Levene tests to know if could perform an ANOVA or if I had to use a non-parametric test (like Kruskal-Wallis). The data belongs to a subset of a column named Sediment_type, where I want to analyse just the data belonging to the "sandy" sediment. Hence why I made the object subset_sandy. The excel file is named "Morphology_Lab_T1_D57_AGB" and the factor I want to statistically combine with the subset_sandy is a column called Wave_type.

First step) Find if there is normality (Shapiro) and homogeneity (Levene) among the data:

subset_sandy \<- subset(Morphology_Lab_T1_D57_AGB, Sediment_type == "Sandy")

subset_sandy$Wave_type \<- as.factor(subset_sandy$Wave_type)

AN_sandy \<- lm(Mean_L.\_leaf_length \~ Wave_type, data = subset_sandy)


par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


shapiro.test((AN_sandy$res)) # Normality (α \< 0.2477)

leveneTest(AN_sandy$res, subset_sandy$Wave_type) # Homogeneity (α \< 0.3243)

Second step) In this case, p-value was higher in both tests than alpha, so I proceeded to do a pairwise test (I guess equal to ANOVA, please correct me if I am wrong):

pairwise_result_sandy \<- pairwise.t.test(subset_sandy$Mean_L.\_leaf_length,


p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")

print("Pairwise comparisons for Sandy Sediment")



  1. My doubts with regards these codes is the function lm() I have been using in the first step, since I realized it makes linear regression. However, my colleague has been doing this for long time.
  2. Is par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) important for my analysis? I do not understand what it means.
  3. I was told that p.adjust.method is not equivalent as "Post-hoc", but in my codes I add (= "bonferroni") to this p.adjust.method. I would like to perform a Post-hoc too.

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