I would like to automatically mount my home folders from an external drive with just one script. My system is Ubuntu 16.04.
I would like to check if folders with the same name as folders in HOME exist in the external directory, then rename the folders in HOME to foldername_local and mount the external directories folder in HOME.
This is how far I got with the help of google and stackoverflow:
#create a list of external folders
rLIST=$(find $REMOTE -maxdepth 1 -type d -name [^\.]\* -printf '%f\n'| sed 's:^\./::')
#create a list of folders in HOME
hLIST=$(find $HOME -maxdepth 1 -type d -name [^\.]\* -printf '%f\n'| sed 's:^\./::')
#declare comparison function
contains() {
[[ $1 =~ (^|[[:space:]])$2($|[[:space:]]) ]] && exit(0) || exit(1)
for item in "$rLIST"; do
if contains hLIST item
#rename folder and mount external drive fodlers
mv $HOME$item $HOME$item_local
mount --bind $REMOTE$item $HOME$item
Creating the folder name lists works so far.
Unfortunately the comparison part does not work and I am stuck.
I appreciate any ideas on how to solve this.
How do I check if a variable exists in a list in BASH
Listing only directories in UNIX