Ball to brick collision in c#

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I am writing a program that has a ball moving around a PictureBox and I have a set of bricks at the top of the PictureBox.

I have used an array for location of the bricks that I will be using:

int[,] brickLocation = { { 0, 0 }, { 30, 0 } }

I have used the DrawRectangle to construct each brick within the picturebox. This exist within timer1_Tick event. As the ball is drawn, then the picturebox is cleared and the x and y coordinate change.

When the ball "collides" with the brick, I want some way in which the brick will disappear because there will be another brick behind it.



At the moment, my code for the collision between the ball and brick1 is:

if ((yBall > brickY) && (yBall < brickY + 25) && (xBall > brickX) && (xBall < brickX + 80))
                yBallChange = -yBallChange;

where xBall, yBall is the x and y coordinate of the ball and brickX and brickY are the coordinate for the bricks.

So when the ball coordinates are within the bounds of brick1 the y-direction will change.

Is there some way in which I can redraw [brick1] in a new position with no size as to eliminate it so there can then be a collision between the ball and [brick0]? Or is there something else I could do?


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