Im completely new to the assembler language and just bought a raspberry pi. I know that i can use an OS and start programming with python etc. but i wanted to take a deeper look. Since my raspberry pi did not arrive yet, i can not test the asm code. In Lesson OK03, i looked at the extension solution (download), i tried to understand it myself but i am running into this problem: why is gpioAddr str'ed onto pinFunc in the end (again)? I took the first call in main.s as example to put my comments:
pinNum .req r0
pinFunc .req r1
mov pinNum,#16
mov pinFunc,#1
bl SetGpioFunction
.unreq pinNum
.unreq pinFunc
the SetGpioFunction:
/* NEW
* SetGpioFunction sets the function of the GPIO register addressed by r0 to the
* low 3 bits of r1.
* C++ Signature: void SetGpioFunction(u32 gpioRegister, u32 function)
.globl SetGpioFunction
pinNum .req r0
pinFunc .req r1
cmp pinNum,#53
cmpls pinFunc,#7
movhi pc,lr
push {lr}
mov r2,pinNum
.unreq pinNum
pinNum .req r2
bl GetGpioAddress
gpioAddr .req r0
cmp pinNum,#9
subhi pinNum,#10
addhi gpioAddr,#4
bhi functionLoop$
/* pinNum = 6
gpioAddr = 0x20200004
add pinNum, pinNum,lsl #1
pinNum = 18 (10010)
lsl pinFunc,pinNum
pinFunc = 1000000000000000000
mask .req r3
mov mask,#7 /* r3 = 111 in binary */
mask = 111
lsl mask,pinNum /* r3 = 11100..00 where the 111 is in the same position as the function in r1 */
mask = 111000000000000000000
.unreq pinNum
mvn mask,mask /* r3 = 11..1100011..11 where the 000 is in the same poisiont as the function in r1 */
mask = 11..11000111111111111111111
oldFunc .req r2
ldr oldFunc,[gpioAddr] /* r2 = existing code */
oldFunc = 0x12 + (gpioaddr)0x20200004 = 0x20200016
oldFunc = 100000001000000000000000010110
mask = 111111111000111111111111111111
and oldFunc,mask /* r2 = existing code with bits for this pin all 0 */
oldFunc = 100000001000000000000000010110
.unreq mask
pinFunc = 000000000001000000000000000000
oldFunc = 100000001000000000000000010110
orr pinFunc,oldFunc /* r1 = existing code with correct bits set */
pinFunc = 100000001001000000000000010110
pinFunc = 0x20240016
.unreq oldFunc
str pinFunc,[gpioAddr]
Why do we add gpioaddr again?
pinFunc = 0x40440016
.unreq pinFunc
.unreq gpioAddr
pop {pc}
What am I getting wrong here? Thank you in advance.
it is a simple read-modify-write function.