I'm experiencing bad scroll performance on mobile devices with Famo.us scrollview
. I'm using Famo.us/Angular
. Here's the code used:
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="eventHandler">
<fa-view ng-repeat="item in items" class="item">
<fa-surface fa-pipe-to="eventHandler" fa-background-color="'#FA5C4F'" fa-size="[undefined, true]">
<img ng-src="{{ item.src }}" />
options are set to default. Some of the Famo.us demo videos show utterly smooth scroll. However, I'm unable to translate that into practice. Since, I have not modified any scrollview
options and working off a barebone template, I wonder what's causing this.
Even Javascript code is very slow with no content! Check out this demo. The performance is extremely bad and I think you need to think twice before using it.