Background mode (fetch) in iOS 8

295 views Asked by At

I'm working on an iOS app that uses the background mode to post an update to the server. App wakes, checks the battery status, kicks off an background process and calls the completion handler. In that exact same order. And it works fine. In the iOS simulator, on my development iPhones (5s, 6 and 6 plus), but it seems to be broken on any other iPhone I've distributed the app too.

I'm currently using HockeyApp (because we're not ready to submit the app to Apple) to distribute the app. I've got the correct certificates, I've followed the background mode tutorials (for enabling it) and I'm battery friendly. Though still the background mode only works on my development iPhones and the simulator and not on any other iPhone.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Did I forget something? Did I do something wrong? Help would be appreciated, because it drives me nuts.. :(


PS: I've included some code in this gist:


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