I'm now testing backbone stickit for two-way data binding. Is there a way to revert the changes, for example, while editing a model data through a form, the user press the cancel button, as in the pic below
It seems the model was changed on the fly as we type in the form. What I want is when the user press the cancel button, the model will revert to its original value.
I read about updateModel which need a true value to confirm the model update. However how can my edit-view [cancel-event] trigger a false value to the updateModel function, so that the model will not be updated with the textfield value.
Do I need something like a global variable?
//global variable
var updateModelTitle = true;
//backbone stickit bindings
bindings: {
'#title': {
observe: 'title',
updateModel: 'confirmUpdate'
confirmUpdate: function(val, event, options) {
return updateModelTitle;
//cancel button event click event
updateModelTitle = false;
Thanks in advance for any help.
Try Backbone.Stickit's sister project: Backbone.trackit