backbone-froms multiple views submit a form

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I have a master view App.MainView (table view), a App.TaskView (row view) and using backbone forms to add and edit the records. Here is my code:

App.MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
            template: $("#home-template").html(),
            initialize: function() {
                _.bindAll(this, 'render');
               this.listenTo(tasks, 'add change', this.addOne);
               this.subViews = [];

addOne: function(model) {

                var view = new App.TaskView({model: model});
render: function() {

                var template = _.template(this.template);
                var self = this;

                    wait: true,
                    success: function(model, response) {

                        var TasksLen = model.length;

                        for (var i = 0; i < TasksLen; i++) {

                            var taskView = new App.TaskView({
                                model: model.models[i]


                            $('#record-list-table', this.el).append(taskView.render().el);



Now my TaskView:

 App.TaskView = Backbone.View.extend({
            tagName: 'tr',
            template: _.template($('#record-template').html()),
initialize: function() {
                var self = this;

events: {

                "click .edit": "editrecord",

render: function() {


                return this;

 editrecord: function() {


and my Form and submit button 

var form = new Backbone.Form({
            model: task

        window.form = form;

        $('#submit-btn').click(function() {

            var data = form.getValue();
   , {wait: true,
                    success: function(task, response) {


<script type="text/template" id="home-template">
 <table id="recordtable">
<input type='reset' id="reset-btn" onclick="reset()" class="add-new" value='' name='reset' /></table></script>

<script type="text/template" id="record-template">

    <td id="edit-name" class="edit"> <%- name %></td>
    <td class="edit date" class="edit"> <%- due_date %></td>


I have two issues:

  1. On model change,it adds another model (However it does the put request and updates in database but on front end backbone adds a new row in the table instead of updating the previous row). But after page refresh it shows correct data. Looks like some issue with change event.

  2. I want to create direct route to a task i.e task/id and want to highlight that task in the table and edit it in the form. Right Now I am able to edit any model on click in the form but I want to have direct route too.


There are 1 answers

Hannan Hossain On

I think now I found the problem of your code. You are doing


in success method of model save. But I think you need to re render the task. 1. You can bind a change event in taskview so that it will render task with updated value. 2. You can add a function in your taskview like this

refresh: function(){

and you can call this function after success found.