AzureDefaultCredentials fail with Authorization Code: None

68 views Asked by At

Tried this question. I'm running this code locally in VSCODE, and am logged in using az login. I've also tried aad_credentials = AzureCliCredential() with the same result. Left out the details of creating the group.

aad_credentials = DefaultAzureCredential()
URI = environ.get("DPS_ENDPOINT")
client = DeviceProvisioningClient(endpoint=URI, credential=aad_credentials)
group_id = 'symetric_group_test'
enrollment_group = {
    "enrollmentGroupId": group_id,
    "attestation": {
        "type": "symmetricKey"
client.enrollment_group.create_or_update( id=group_id, enrollment_group=enrollment_group


azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: (None) Authorization failed for the request
Code: None
Message: Authorization failed for the request

adding logging_enable=True did not provide any output.

Anything hints or directions on how to debug?

UPDATE: Same error in Azure Cloud Shell.

this might be the issue. I have permissions in portal, but in clis:

az role assignment list --assignee []


There are 1 answers

MikeF On

@Sridevi was correct. It was a permissions issue. Device Provisioning Service Data Contributor is the required permission. I think a 403 (I know who you are and you lack permission) would be a better code than None. Although it might be more useful to post that in github.