I am using Azure SignalR for my .NET project as Hub.
On the other side, I am using a React app as a client. In the script, I add some custom headers to the HubConnectionBuilder class. When the connection client<-> hub is being established, the headers are gone. The custom headers disappear when reaching the server so when I am trying to get some data from the headers in the OnConnectedAsync method on Hub side, it occurs they are not there.
Worth to mention:
Everything works if as a client I am using a .NET app or Node script
When using normal SignalR (not as an Azure resource) everything works again.
It seems to work if forcing the React app to use long-pooling
change the Service Mode in Azure SignalR resource
add different headers in different ways
use different server SignalR options
Client (React) code:
const connection= new HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(HUB_URL, {
accessTokenFactory: () => getToken(),
headers: deviceId && {
deviceId: deviceId
Hub Code
public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
const string headerDeviceIdKey = "deviceId";
var headers = Context.GetHttpContext().Request.Headers;
if (headers.ContainsKey(headerDeviceIdKey))
return base.OnConnectedAsync();
- v1. The .NET app is hosted on Azure but the issues appears the same when running the app loccaly iand being connected to Azure resources.
Dictionary of headers sent with every HTTP request. Sending headers in the browser doesn't work for WebSockets or the ServerSentEvents stream.
Official document: Configure additional options
1.This is a limitation of the browser and not something SignalR can fix.
2.SignalR typescript client fails to add custom headers