Azure function dotnet-isolated v4

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I have recently started my C# journey so bare with me...

so my issue is that after installing azure-functions-core-toolsv4 (mac using brew) I was finally able to see why Rider (which use the same as a plugin) just exited with error (Process finished with exit code 137.).

I was trying to fix another issue we get after switching to dotnet-isolated - namely:

Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: The gRPC channel URI 'http://:0' could not be parsed.

After a ton of googling I found that this apparently occurs if I try to run my function locally using the "normal" run (dotnet run...) - that is invoked if I just hit run on my Program.cs Main. Instead I should go for "func host start ..." provided via the Azure Functions Core Tools.

So my error is: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script: WorkerConfig for runtime: dotnet-isolated not found. Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'provider')

So my problem is that no matter what I do I get the same two kinds of errors after switching to dotnet-isolated, when I try to run my startup my functions on my developer laptop (both on my mac and on my windows laptop) (it runs fine on Azure portal).

Looking at the second error it really puzzles me why I see the "WebJobs" namespace - as far as I have understood part of the new dotnet-isolated is to switch completely away from the WebJobs stuff...


There are 1 answers

Arleth On

Removing the extensionBundle section in my host.json fixed the problem.

After removing this my func start --csharp works fine from commandline, Rider and Visual Studio.