Azure create servicePrincipal results in One or more properties contains invalid values

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I was getting token (I need it for my Gitlab for environmental variable for my runner) like this through Azure cli on my computer:

C:\Users\myuser>az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://gitlab-runner-acr-service-principal --scopes /subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/MyRegistryResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/MyDockerImageRegistry --role acrpush --query password --output tsv

Everything worked perfectly all this time (for more than a year). Produced output would be something like this:

"Found an existing application instance of "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx". We will patch it Creating a role assignment under the scope of "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/MyRegistryResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/MyDockerImageRegistry"

Role assignment already exists.

b3253fac-267e-284f-9642-d4267a2620f8 "

I need such token from output. But, few weeks ago this command stopped from getting tokens. Now I get following message: "One or more properties contains invalid values." Command is exactly the same (like all this time). I don't understand why this is happening, and why I cannot get tokens any more.

I haven't changed anything in azure-cli (I use the same version), and I haven't do anything through Azure Portal so I don't understand why it stopped working.. I've Googled, and saw some examples and advices how to solve similar problems (not quite like this) through Microsoft Graph API. But I am not familiar directly with Microsoft Graph API, so can you please help me how to get it work through Azure CLI.

My question is how to make azure-cli to get tokens with same command? What must I do to make it work again?

Edit: I've added --debug flag, and last part is this:

adal-python : 91386626-a42a-4d22-ba63-d22961220cec - CacheDriver:Returning token from cache lookup, AccessTokenId: b'OKDsXwBiy7YUjkUuLqUbDVL+mTGi19P9914i8J3knnQ=', RefreshTokenId: b'PSu7XWGVFXFQLMQ3GBtTxj5DsNQt8ZhkjjFKegqQXZQ='
msrest.http_logger : Request URL: ''
msrest.http_logger : Request method: 'POST'
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msrest.http_logger : Request body:
msrest.http_logger : {"availableToOtherTenants": false, "homepage": "https://gitlab-runner-acr-service-principal", "passwordCredentials": [{"startDate": "2020-09-28T12:15:30.026043Z", "endDate": "2021-09-28T12:15:30.026043Z", "keyId": "yyyyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyyy", "value": "a9827bf6-a5a9-4922-bcbb-a28b2da7e04a", "customKeyIdentifier": "//5yAGIAYQBjAA=="}], "displayName": "gitlab-runner-acr-service-principal", "identifierUris": ["0884ae2d-515f-4efd-a069-595a63f1efee"]}
msrest.universal_http : Configuring redirects: allow=True, max=30
msrest.universal_http : Configuring request: timeout=100, verify=True, cert=None
msrest.universal_http : Configuring proxies: ''
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urllib3.connectionpool : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
urllib3.connectionpool : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
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msrest.http_logger : Response status: 400
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msrest.http_logger :     'Date': 'Mon, 28 Sep 2020 12:15:30 GMT'
msrest.http_logger :     'Content-Length': '207'
msrest.http_logger : Response content:
msrest.http_logger : {"odata.error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":{"lang":"en","value":"One or more properties contains invalid values."},"requestId":"52133c1e-9e42-469b-8c84-4515b617e940","date":"2020-09-28T12:15:30"}}
msrest.exceptions : One or more properties contains invalid values. : One or more properties contains invalid values.
One or more properties contains invalid values.

There are 1 answers

samneric On

For me it was because the name already exists. In your case --name http://gitlab-runner-acr-service-principal.

Maybe the CLI used to return the existing one if it already existed and now it throws an error.

Anyway, I fixed the error by checking if the SP already exists before creating it.


After deleting the existing one and then re-creating it, the CLI started returning the existing one instead of throwing the error. I recommend deleting the existing one to fix the issue.
