Azure-blob NBlog config/settings.json could not be found

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On github there is an open-source project called NBlog. Its description is “A lightweight blog engine built with ASP.NET MVC5, Razor, jQuery and C#”. Once downloaded, opened in Visual Studio Community edition 2013, and I hit F5 (RUN) I get a yellow page of death saying the following

yellow page of death

I have posted an issue on github but have gotten no response.

Issue # 28

As you can tell, I have established an Azure account, along with storage. I created a blob container called blustor1. I found this blog post detailing

Uploading An Object As JSON To Windows Azure Blob Storage

something almost identical, except the following line of code



GetBlockBlobReference(relativePath); AzureBlobRepository.cs line 54

Alex uses an absolute URI where as NBlog uses a relative path Can someone help this newbie to Azure?


There are 1 answers

dannyrosalex On

Cross-reference: github issues link

I just added the connection string value but it still did not fix the original error message

<add name="AzureBlobEndpointURL" connectionString="" />

The following file is present on my disk;


Here is the content of the settings.json file on my disk

"Site": "localhost-8080",
"Theme": "Default",
"MetaDescription": "NBlog, an ASP.NET MVC 3.0 blog platform.",
"Heading": "NBlog",
"Title": "NBlog",
"Tagline": "A blog platform for ASP.NET MVC developers",
"Crossbar": "ASP.NET MVC 3.0, Razor, JSON.NET, Markdown, Autofac, AntiXSS, HTML5 & CSS3, OpenID, NSubstitute, ELMAH",
"GoogleAnalyticsId": "",
"TwitterUsername": "twitter",
    "RecipientName": "NBlog Admin",
    "RecipientEmail": "[email protected]",
    "Subject": "NBlog contact form"
    "ConsumerKey": "DropBox_Key",
    "ConsumerSecret": "DropBox_Secret",
    "UserToken": "DropBox_UserToken",
    "UserSecret": "DropBox_UserSecret"
    "Shortname": "",
    "DevelopmentMode": true