I'm getting the following error when calling DeleteMessageCommand
for my pdf processing.
error InvalidAddress: The address arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:**** is not valid for this endpoint.
Here's where the error is happening:
async function processDocumentWithTextract(
documentName: string,
sqsQueueUrl: string,
snsTopicArn: string
) {
let jobFound = false
let succeeded = false
let response
response = await textract.send(
new StartDocumentAnalysisCommand({
DocumentLocation: {
S3Object: { Bucket: env.BUCKET_NAME, Name: documentName },
NotificationChannel: { RoleArn: env.ROLE_ARN, SNSTopicArn: snsTopicArn },
FeatureTypes: ["TABLES"],
const startJobId = response.JobId
console.log(`Started job with ID: ${startJobId}`)
// Poll SQS queue for job completion message
while (!jobFound) {
const sqsReceivedResponse = await sqsClient.send(
new ReceiveMessageCommand({
QueueUrl: sqsQueueUrl,
MaxNumberOfMessages: 10,
console.log("sqsReceivedResponse", sqsReceivedResponse)
if (
sqsReceivedResponse.Messages &&
sqsReceivedResponse.Messages.length > 0
) {
for (const message of sqsReceivedResponse.Messages) {
const notification = JSON.parse(message.Body as string)
const textractMessage = JSON.parse(notification.Message)
if (textractMessage.JobId === startJobId) {
console.log("Matching job found:", textractMessage.JobId)
jobFound = true
succeeded = textractMessage.Status === "SUCCEEDED"
if (succeeded) {
console.log("Job processing succeeded.")
console.log("queueUrl", sqsQueueUrl)
await sqsClient.send(
new DeleteMessageCommand({
QueueUrl: sqsQueueUrl,
ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle,
} else {
await sqsClient.send( // ---------------> error here, sqsQueueUrl looks correct when logging
new DeleteMessageCommand({
QueueUrl: sqsQueueUrl,
ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle,
if (!jobFound) {
// Sleep for a short while before polling the queue again
console.log("polling queue...")
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000))
if (succeeded) {
// Retrieve the results from Textract
return startJobId
} else {
throw new Error("Textract job did not complete successfully.")
Any ideas why this would be happening?