AWS iOS cloudwatch describeLogStreams uploadsequencetoken empty

342 views Asked by At

Earlier was getting access denied for describeLogStreams and after adding the necessary policy got that fixed but now there is response but uploadSequenceToken (and nextToken) are empty.

    AWSLogs.default().describeLogStreams(req!) { (response, error) in
        if ((error) != nil) {
            Logging.logError("ERROR: AWS CW describe Log Stream error: \(String(describing: error))")
        } else {
            self.nextSequenceToken = response?.logStreams?.first?.uploadSequenceToken
// ^^^^^ above value is nil

enter image description here

Any idea?


There are 1 answers

Max Raba-Streicher On BEST ANSWER

The log stream looks empty. Maybe there is none for now.