AWS having longer wait time than Siteground fo

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I'm currently trying for my own education to achieve the fastest site speed possible for a landing page. I have hosted it once on Siteground with all speed optimizations on (Minify, Level 3 Supercacher (Memcached) and Lazy Loading, Cloudflare)

I have setup the 99% same site (100% not possible since SG has its own optimizer)

I assumed AWS will be faster. But when I look in my Developer Toolbar, Pingdom or GTMetrix SG wins. The reason is all files have a longer waiting time. I know it is minimal, but given the fact I want to achieve maximum speed I am wondering what the reason is. I tried to use a bigger instance, but changing from t2.micro to m4.16xlarge didn't make a difference. I am wondering if it would anyway without visitors.

This is the loading time on Siteground:

loading time on Siteground

This is on my AWS Site:

Loading time on AWS EC 2

The difference is that the JS and CSS files on SG get loaded in 20-30ms and the files on AWS in 40-50ms.

The last options I could try would be Varnish Cache or move to Lightsail, but I'm not sure if this will help.


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