AWS create-cache-cluster - security group id not recognized

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I tried to create a elastic cache using aws cli and faced an error. The security group id that I use is my accounts default security group id and I see it exists on the aws console. Not sure why it is erring out.

user$ aws elasticache create-cache-cluster \
>     --cache-cluster-id ClusterForLambdaTest \
>     --cache-node-type cache.m3.medium \
>     --engine memcached \
>     --security-group-ids sg-f123f123 \
>     --num-cache-nodes 1 

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the 
CreateCacheCluster operation: Some security group Id not recognized 
by EC2: securityGroupIds[[sg-f123f123]], awsAccountId[123456789012]

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