AWS Cloudwatch alarm not working: For last few days, alarm stays "OK" even when it passes threshold

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I have an alarm that for months has worked properly to manage the size of my ASG. Since Monday (Oct. 12), though, it has stopped working; it stays in "OK" state even when the graphs clearly show that it is above the threshold. See the attached screen shot.

What may or may not be related is that the alarm will trigger, then fail with no error message. It looks like this happens when the alarm triggers during the cooldown stage of the ASG. Once this happens, the alarm reverts to "OK", then just stays there indefinitely, even though it is above the threshold. Before Monday, it would stay in alarm state, re-triggering repeatedly, until the ASG left cooldown state.

Anybody know what is going on here? How can I fix this? And why did it suddenly change when there were no changes on my side? Screen shot of problem, showing "OK" alarm that is above threshold


There are 1 answers


I can see some missing data around 15:15 and your Missing data treatment is set to 'Treat missing data as good', shall we change this to 'Treat missing data as ignore (maintain the alarm state)' and check?