AWS Amplify Identity Broker - Lambda PostDeployment never triggered

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I'm currently deploying the AWS Amplify Identity Broker project but I have an issue with its initialization.

The PostDeployment Lambda is never triggered. Even after following Step 9 of the documentation.

amplify push --force never triggers this lambda and I honestly never see where it should be triggered.

The PostDeployment is supposed to push the HOSTING_DOMAIN environment variable to every lambda but as it's never triggered mine don't have it.

The team-provider-info.json does have the hostingDomain value though :

    "amplifyIdentityBrokerPostDeployment": {
      "deploymentBucketName": "amplify-amplifyidentitybroke-lyvoctest-95846-deployment",
      "s3Key": "amplify-builds/",
      "hostingDomain": ""

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