I have a table (.tr file) with different rows (events).
**Event** **Time** **PacketLength** PacketId
sent 1 100 1
dropped 2 100 1
sent 3 100 2
sent 4.5 100 3
dropped 5 100 2
sent 6 100 4
sent 7 100 5
sent 8 100 6
sent 10 100 7
And I would like to create a new table as the following and I don't know how to it in AWK.
**SentTime** **PacketLength Dropped**
1 100 Yes
3 100 Yes
4.5 100
6 100
7 100
8 100
10 100
I have a simple code to find dropped or sent packets, time and id but I do not know how to create a column in my table with the results for dropped packets.
Event = $1;
Time = $2;
Packet = $6;
Node = $10;
id = $11;
if (Event=="s" && Node==""){
printf ("%f\t %d\n", $2, $6);
END {}
You have to save all the information in an array to postprocess it at the end of the file. Obviously, if the file is huge, this could cause memory problems.