Awesomium, WinForms, WebControl obj.ExecuteJavascript

541 views Asked by At

I want to insert html code into existing html code. But I do not see the result. Here is the code C #:

1) Program.cs

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
        wUI.DocumentReady += wUI_DocumentReady;


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // code here ?           

    void wUI_DocumentReady(object sender, DocumentReadyEventArgs e)
        HtmlManager html = HtmlManager.Instance;
        string[] placeholders = { "asset://customdatastore/path/to/any", "type-button", "no-action", "Example link" };
        html.Add("<a href=\"{0}\" class=\"{1}\" id=\"{2}\">{3}</a>", placeholders);
        html.InnerCode(html.Code, wUI, "body");

2) HtmlManager.cs

public sealed class HtmlManager
    private static readonly Lazy<HtmlManager> InstanceField = new Lazy<HtmlManager>(() => new HtmlManager());
    private StringBuilder _stringBuilder = null;
    public string Code { get { return _stringBuilder.ToString(); } }  

    private HtmlManager() 
        if (_stringBuilder != null)
        _stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    public static HtmlManager Instance { get { return InstanceField.Value; } }

    public void Add(string row, string[] placeholders = null)
        if (placeholders != null)
            _stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format(row, placeholders));

    public void InnerCode(string code, object sender, string afterTag = "html")
        Awesomium.Windows.Forms.WebControl ui = (Awesomium.Windows.Forms.WebControl)sender;
        ui.ExecuteJavascript(string.Format("document.getElementsByTagName({0})[0].innerHTML({1})", afterTag, code));            

    public void Clear()

The event (DocumentReady) does not happen, I do not believe, maybe I'm wrong somewhere?

UP: I try do it:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    void wUI_DocumentReady(object sender, DocumentReadyEventArgs e)

        HtmlManager html = HtmlManager.Instance;
        string[] placeholders = { "asset://customdatastore/path/to/any", "type-button", "no-action", "Example link" };
        html.Add("<a href=\"{0}\" class=\"{1}\" id=\"{2}\">{3}</a>", placeholders);


        //html.InnerCode(html.Code, wUI, "body");

No result

UP 2:

public void Add(string row, string[] placeholders = null)
        if (placeholders != null)
            _stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format(row, placeholders));
        if (placeholders == null)

UP 3:

Work with:

wUI.Source = new Uri(@"");

in Form1_Load


There are 1 answers

voytek On

You can use LoadHtml method, but only after document is fully loaded (don't confuse with DocumentReadyState.Ready) It works for me at least:

    private void WebControl_DocumentReady(object sender, DocumentReadyEventArgs e)
        if (e.ReadyState != DocumentReadyState.Loaded) return;


But as an initialisation, you should use Source property, like you wrote in your third update