I'm having problems uploading a simple hello world program to my Arduino Mega 2560. I checked whether it would work when using the IDE, and it does. I do not, however, want to use the IDE. (I had to chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
to make it work, by the way.)
The error is well-known and much discussed on the net. None of the solutions I found so far apply to me though, because I'm using the makefile rather than the IDE, and I'm on Linux. The Makefile I'm using:
ARDUINO_DIR = /usr/share/arduino
TARGET = test
MCU = atmega2560
F_CPU = 16000000
include /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk
The source compiles fine, but during the upload-phase, avrdude is complaining:
/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/../avrdude -q -V -D -p atmega2560 -C /usr/share
/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/../avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 115200 -P /dev/ttyACM0 \
-U flash:w:build-uno/test.hex:i
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
I think this is a simple matter of having the flags set-up wrongly. Any ideas?
the Arduino MEGA (atmega2560) uses a different bootloader than the Uno, and needs a different programmer type. Change "arduino" to "wiring" (or "stk500v2")